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Our Stripes are Unique - Self-esteem activity

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Self-esteem activity where students identify traits that make them unique. Social-emotional learning activity and also creates a beautiful bulletin board or classroom display, great for small group counseling or class lessons. Includes a digital version for use with Google Slides for digital learning.


This activity takes about 30 minutes to complete with a small or large group. The goal is for students to discover what makes them unique and special.



  • Activity description including instructions/walkthrough of activity, objectives, materials, tips/tricks, ASCA standards, and SEL competencies.
  • 2 pages on student likes.
  • 2 pages focusing on unique qualities.
  • 1 page on similarities/differences from others in the group.
  • 2 pages of a bulletin board/classroom display of large Zebra and shooting star.
  • Black and White version included.
  • Google Classroom Version (5 slides)


❗ This Resource is identical to: Unique Unicorn


▶️Where can I find the google classroom link?

Google slides link and instructions are on page 17.


▶️What formats are included?

  • Pdf version to print out.
  • Google Slides version.


▶️What mode should I use this in google slides?

This product is meant to be used in edit mode (not presentation mode). Edit mode is the only mode that allows drag & drop and writing in text boxes.



Recommended Resources⭐

Passport to Executive Functioning

My Emotions Monsters

Social-emotional Learning Curriculum: Responsible Decision Making


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