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Self Esteem Small Group Counseling Curriculum

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The perfect curriculum for an Elementary School Counselor with a self-esteem group focused on building confidence, appreciating how we are unique and capable, recognizing negative thoughts, using positive self-talk, and more. Use with Google Slides and Google Classroom for digital learning. Nine School counseling lessons included, get your groups planned out with this ready-to-go curriculum. I have also detailed each session clearly so that it could be used by any educator in a small group setting or modify the lessons to use them for a whole class lesson. Geared for elementary-aged students.


❤️Includes all that you need for group from start to finish:

Now includes EDITABLE forms!

Group Referral Forms

Parent Consent Form (in English and Spanish)

Student group reminders for desk

Attendance chart

Pre and Post Survey

Group Rules Form

Hall Pass for Counselor/Social Worker/Psychologist/general

Confidentiality sign


⭐9 Group Session Lesson Plans

(all lesson plans include ASCA standard alignment, SEL competencies addressed, session details and objectives, script, materials, and guiding questions):

***Lessons are also sold separately***

Session ❶: Selfie Icebreaker game and Group Rules Creation

Session ❷: Our Stripes are Unique (Discovering what makes us unique and special)

Session ❸: Capability Crayon Box (Learning about our capabilities)

Session ❹: Cooking up Compliments (Practicing giving and receiving compliments)

Session ❺: Get rid of the Automatic Negative Thoughts (Learning to recognize different automatic negative thoughts)

Session ❻: Lemons into Lemonade (Teaches perseverance by learning how to turn negative thoughts, words, and actions to be positive).

Session ❼: Self-esteem Sunglasses (Practicing changing negative statements to positive ones)

Session ❽: Make your wishes come true (Learning to plan and set goals to make improvements)

Session ❾: Self-esteem Metamorphosis (Summarizing all that was discussed in group through a board game that compares the Metamorphosis process of a butterfly to our self-esteem journey, features engaging self-esteem related questions)

Black and White versions of all lessons now included!

Now includes Google Classroom versions for all 8 counseling lessons, the link to access this resource in google slides and instructions for use is on page 91.

▶️Where can I find the google slides link?

Google slides link and instructions are on the 3rd to last page of the PDFs.

▶️What formats are included?

-Pdf version to print out. (color and black & white versions)

-Google Slides version (links).

-Editable group forms (referral, consent, certificate, attendance, rules, pre/post survey)

▶️What mode should I use this in google slides?

This product is meant to be used in "edit" mode (not "presentation" mode). Edit mode is the only mode that allows drag & drop and writing in text boxes.

⚠️This is a downloadable, printable (PDF) workbook. You will not receive anything in the mail.

Copyright 2019, 2021 © Heart and Mind Teaching.

If you have questions please contact me: [email protected]

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