Change YOU messages to I statements, build communication skills and social skills. Must have for conflict mediation between students learning to resolve conflicts peacefully. Now includes a digital version for use with Google Slides for digital learning.
Students will each get their own I message speech bubble and use it to help change You message statements to be I statements. Great for students who are struggling to make and keep friends.
This activity takes about 30 minutes to complete with a small or large group. The goal is for students to learn and practice changing you messages to I messages, and to identify situations when using I messages would be appropriate.
- Activity description including instructions/walk-through of activity, objectives, materials, guiding questions, ASCA standards alignment, and SEL competencies.
- 6 different types of I message speech bubbles
- 4 pages of You statements (to have students change to I statements, can also be used as a standalone handout)
- Black and white version included.
►UPDATED: Now includes Google Classroom version, the link to access this resource on Google Drive and instructions for use is on page 18.
***This activity is also available as part of my Social Skills Small Group Counseling Curriculum ***
⭐Recommended Resources⭐
★ Forecast of Feelings workbook